
Some people become depressed awfully young. No special reason, but they almost seem to be born that way. They bruise easier; they tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer and harm more. For a split second they are the most damaged people in the world.

Some people are just sad, they want to let out their feelings, but no one’s listening. To them, no one seems to care. They aren’t important. They’re just “them”. But that’s not enough.

Some people tend to try and recall their happy moments because, now nothing seems inviting. They sometimes watch the night sky wondering why they turned out this way, and why they are labeled “weird”. It hurts to have to wake up for them, because they don’t want another day of sorrow to come.

Some people are just tired. Tired of the same old routine. They want to go to sleep, and as scary as it sounds, don’t want to wake up. What’s the point of putting yourself through the same old troubles just to emerge miserable? Hurt again and again..As always.

Some people smile the brightest and laugh the loudest. They can brighten up anyone’s day, except their own. Their long sleeves mask the truth. The horrible scars of the battle they’ve been through. They don’t have time for their own disparities, because they don’t matter.

Some people feel ugly, fat and disgusting. Never to realize that they’re beautiful the way they are. Yet, they starve themselves to become perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. It’s only a mirage. Wont they ever understand?

Smile. Does it really matter what they think? What matters is that you love yourself just the way you are. Don’t change, because you are you. And “you” are pretty damn amazing.

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  1. Well written. I can identify myself with more than one of your characters.

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  4. Well written. I can identify myself with more than one of your characters.
