That's What Friends Do


I was exhausted when I woke up. I rolled over in bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. I opened my eyes slowly, cautiously as if I would damage them. I looked towards the window, wincing because the light was in my eyes. The previous day had been one of the best times of my school life till date.

40 different people.  40 different faces.  40 different personalities. 1 class. Friendship cannot be defined by the titles we give one another. It can only be defined by the selfless love you give one another. My class will always be one of the best things that has ever happened to me. No matter what, the jokes that we crack and the trouble we get into will always be remembered.

I grew up with the majority of them. I was with them from kindergarten  and to this day, I remember all the fun we had. From the days we would fight over who would submit our books first till this day that we nudge one another to submit their books first, I noticed that no matter how many arguments we have, at the end of the day we were still friends.

What I realized during our class trip was how lucky I was to have friends all of different personalities. The geeks, the jokesters, the shy ones and everyone else in between! Our friendship, sometimes doubted by many will always be a no-brainer. We fight...but we will always smile together at the end of the day.

I've met all my best friends in this school and I'm glad that I got the opportunity. Every single one of you guys will be remembered. The fun that we have and the mischief that we get into. We'll be there for one another because, that's what friends do.

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  1. your interpretation of the word 'friend' throws light on just one trait of your multifaceted character... may you gather many more friends as you traverse along life's path...
