

3 years from now, my life is bound to change. Hopefully for the better! I will step into 11th grade, ready for change....will I be ready? 

Change is a good thing. It can never weigh in on the negative side of life. Sometimes, the thought scares me! I can't see myself choosing a group in 11th grade nor can I see myself beginning complex studies. I don't know if I will ever be ready for change. 

Every now and then, I day dream about the possibilities of which direction my life is heading. As my sister is going into the 11th grade, she has had to make numerous choices. Only time will tell if they are right! But, I trust her instincts. 

I have many dreams in my life. I want to go backpacking around the world, I want to feel free and happy. But, as I think of this I wonder about all the changes I will have to go through. No matter what happens, I want my time on this planet to be adventurous and fun. Dream will change. I may want to be an astronaut today and an archeologist tomorrow. Only God can pave the path for me. And I am not going to stand in his way.

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  1. When you finish school, take a year off and backpack, travel around the world, follow your dreams. I wish I had been able to do that. After college, the pressure is on to find a job, or get married, and then you have responsibilities and your dreams always seem to get put on hold.

  2. Thank you for the advice !!!! I will certainly think about it..i cant wait for the adventure im bound to have!

  3. Thank you for the advice !!!! I will certainly think about it..i cant wait for the adventure im bound to have!

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  5. Hi Aakansha, a beautiful twist in the tale, you've rendered to your future dreams! Yea, since you've finally committed your life to your Creator, who knows the end from the beginning, surely He'll direct your steps and lead you to paths of wonder and delight! All the Best!!!!!!
